Dollhouse:Masami Nagasawa stars in "Doll Mystery" with Koji Seto, Tetsushi Tanaka, Ken Yasuda, and Jun Fubuki. Trailer released, screams at the end!?

長澤まさみさん主演の映画「ドールハウス」のティーザービジュアル (C)2025 TOHO CO., LTD.
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長澤まさみさん主演の映画「ドールハウス」のティーザービジュアル (C)2025 TOHO CO., LTD.

Actor Masami Nagasawa has teamed up with director Shinobu Yaguchi, known for "Water Boys" and "Swing Girls", to star in the film "Dollhouse" (to be released on June 13th), which will feature Koji Seto, Tetsushi Tanaka, Ken Yasuda Yasuda, and Jun Fubuki. The trailer has also been released, and at the end you can see Nagasawa screaming.

The film is a mystery in which the protagonist, Suzuki Yoshie, played by Nagasawa, becomes embroiled in mysterious events after purchasing a doll to ease the sadness of losing her beloved daughter. Director Yaguchi also wrote the screenplay, and the film combines a thrilling plot in which a cute doll suddenly turns around and torments the family, with elements of a mystery that is gradually solved.

Seto plays Tadahiko, Yoshie's husband. He works as a nurse at a hospital and investigates the mystery of the doll with his wife. Seto said of Nagasawa, "She's my favorite actress. I think she's a genius, but I feel that behind that genius there's an incredible amount of hard work behind her. In every production."

Regarding director Yaguchi, he said, "I think one of the charms of Yaguchi's works, such as 'Swing Girls,' is that they make you smile and move you, and I'm very interested to see how Yaguchi will incorporate elements like fear, which is the polar opposite of laughter, into his works. Director Yaguchi said that this role is "careless like me" and "light-hearted like me." He might be using Yaguchi as inspiration."

Tanaka will play Kanda, a sorcerer whom Yoshie and Tadahiko meet while investigating the doll's true identity, Yasuda will play Yamamoto, a plainclothes police officer, and Fubuki will play Tadahiko's mother, Suzuki Toshiko.

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