The fourth installment of the legendary program "Hosono Haruomi Yellow Magic Show," which featured a stellar cast of guests connected to musician Hosono Haruomi, will be broadcast on NHK General TV from 10 p.m. on January 30th. The special program, "NHK MUSIC SPECIAL Hosono Haruomi Yellow Magic Show 4," will be broadcast on January 30th at 10 p.m.
On the show, Hosono will perform a comedy skit recreating his meeting with actors Masaki Suda and Taiga Nakano, as well as a family comedy skit with Chisato Moritaka, Hama Okamoto, Yuma Abe, Kiko Mizuhara, and Yuka Mizuhara. With Gen Hoshino, he will listen to gramophones and SP records and talk about music.
Ginger Root, an up-and-coming international artist who admires Hosono, will also be coming to Japan to try his hand at comedy. Yuriyan Retriever will also be performing.