The 13th episode of the new TV anime series "Kinnikuman : The Perfect Origin Arc ," based on the popular fighting manga " Kinnikuman ," entitled "The Soul of the Brocken Clan!!," will be broadcast on January 19th on CBC TV, TBS's anime slot "Agaru Anime," and elsewhere.
Of the seven matches in the Step Pyramid Ring, the first to move was the second step match between Brocken Jr. and Crashman. After joining the Superhuman Blood Alliance, Brocken Jr. learned clever ways to play a match, and in the early stages he launched a strong offensive, but Crashman gradually revealed his hand and counterattacked, eventually putting him in a difficult position. Brocken Jr. was about to give up, realizing once again how immature he could not completely wipe out, but then he heard the encouraging voice of Ramenman, a man he respected, fighting downstairs.
" The Perfect Origin Arc" is a popular episode that follows "The Battle for the Throne of Planet Kinnikuman", depicting the invasion of the Perfect and Infinite armies, a new threat, and a three-way battle with the Justice Chojins and the Devil Chojins. The anime will be directed by Akira Sato and produced by Production IG. Mamoru Miyano will play Kinnikuman, with Sumire Uesaka as Meat-kun and Daisuke Ono as Terryman.