Stills from the drama series "Gold Sunset," starring actor Masaaki Uchino and set to be broadcast and streamed on WOWOW from February 23, were released on January 18. The drama depicts people with difficulties in life, including the mysterious old man Isamu Akutsu, played by Uchino, as they reexamine themselves through the theatrical troupe "Taurus Theater."
In the drama, Akutsu (Uchino) shouts loudly and behaves strangely, which makes the middle school girl next to her suspicious, but gradually the reason for her behavior and her past become clear. The middle school girl herself has a deep emotional wound. And people who are struggling to live are drawn to the theater company "Taurus Theater" by a mysterious thread. They are all tied together in one story through rehearsals for "King Lear".
Six stills have been released, featuring characters such as Kotone Uemura (Maida Nono), a middle school girl with emotional scars, Shunsuke Takenouchi (Yuto Nakajima), a young man who pretends to be an old man's grandson, Chikako Ota (Sakai Maki), a single woman who is suddenly laid off, Yoshiko Mitsuhashi (Wakui Emi), who is traumatized, and Norie Ota (Fubuki Jun), an elderly woman who is making a big decision.
Also included are stills of director Komakizawa Riko (Kobayashi Satomi), who leads the community theater troupe "Taurus Theater," whose participants must be 55 or older, and her assistant director Seno Daiki (Imai Takafumi), as well as a mysterious woman named Setsuko (Miura Toko) who appears in Akutsu's memories along with his strong feelings of remorse.
"Serial Drama W Gold Sunset" will have 6 episodes. It will be broadcast and streamed on WOWOW Prime and WOWOW On Demand every Sunday at 10pm starting February 23rd. The first episode will be broadcast for free.
In addition, a completion report meeting will be live-streamed on the short video platform "LINE VOOM" of WOWOW's official LINE account from 3:00 pm on February 7th, and can be viewed for free. Lead actor Uchino and director/scriptwriter Sumio Omori are scheduled to appear on stage.