The first animated film based on the popular smartphone game "Project SEKAI Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku (ProSeka)", "Project SEKAI The Movie: Broken World and Miku Who Can't Sing", was released on January 17th. The film has a completely original story, depicting a "new Hatsune Miku" not depicted in the game meeting the characters of "ProSeka" and growing up. We spoke to Tomori Kusunoki, who plays Yoizaki Kanade, and Rui Tanabe, who plays Asahina Mafuyu, members of the music circle "25-ji, Night Code de (Nigo)" who create music through the voice chat tool "Night Code", about "ProSeka" and the animated film.
◇I've loved Vocaloid music since I was a student!
-Did you like Vocaloid music?
I've loved Tanabe-san ever since I was a student.
Kusunoki-san , me too! When I was in high school, I used to cover songs with my band. When people with the same hobby got together, they would usually teach me how to sing, so we would sing karaoke with a focus on Vocaloid songs.
Tanabe: I started to like Vocaloid music because of "Melt," so I was happy to be able to play it in the game. I also really like the original songs for "ProSeka."
It's great that Kusunoki-san wrote something new!
I like the slightly dark worldview of the songs that Tanabe-san Nigo will be singing.
Other than the songs written by Kusunoki , I like "Tokyo Teddy Bear" and covered it in high school. It's a difficult song, but "Leo/need" sings it in "ProSeka" and it sounds cool. I love dark songs, so I also love the songs in "Nigo". I feel so happy to have a song written by a producer I admire and to be able to sing it! "ProSeka" not only has the songs I've enjoyed up until now, but also new songs linked to the story, and I feel like it's a place to meet new Vocaloids. When the characters sing, it sometimes sounds different from the original image of the song, and I think the impression changes depending on who sings it, which is the charm of "ProSeka".
I'm happy to be able to sing songs written by Mr. Tanabe and Vocaloid Producer, and I was also happy to be able to sing songs I've been listening to for a long time, like "Halo/Hawayu," as a character.
Mr. Kusunoki: Sometimes I discover new songs other than the ones I like, and I think, "Wow, there's a great song like this!" It's become a place for such encounters, and I look forward to new songs.
◇Depicting the importance of helping and music
--What is the appeal of "Nigo"?
Mr. Tanabe : It's very modern to send out information online. I think it's appealing that people can share their concerns and gain sympathy by sending them out, which then leads to connections.
Mr. Kusunoki: The problems that the unit faces are very big, and there are many songs that really hit home. Many units are chasing their dreams, and they sing to make their dreams come true, but with "Nigo," they often sing for someone else, and when you look at the song materials, the main point is whether they are the one being saved or the one saving. I think the appeal of "Nigo" is that they shine a light on the pain and worries of others by empathizing, warming, illuminating, etc. There are many songs that really hit home, especially for people in their impressionable teenage years.
--The animated movie will have a completely original story.
I wondered how Tanabe-san would develop the story, but I was impressed by the fact that the theme was about helping someone, about helping Miku. Up until now, Miku has helped us, but this time, we're trying to help her. I enjoyed recording with a fresh feeling.
What is " ProSeka " about? I felt like you were factoring out various elements of the game. It depicts the importance of helping others and music.
-What was the recording like?
I was able to record with everyone from "Nigo" Mr. Kusunoki . Since I record the game by myself, I was happy that we were able to have a good exchange. It was a scene where the cast was able to flexibly pick up what they were feeling.
Tanabe: We had recorded together for a short anime, but this was the first time we had recorded so thoroughly. It was great to be able to record while feeling the atmosphere and passion of the four of us.
Kusunoki-san, Kanade and Mafuyu originally have low-volume voices, so when we reacted together, we were like, "Huh? Our voices are so low..." and it was a little difficult to get the sense of distance. However, we've been acting for years, so we were able to do it without wavering.
Mr. Tanabe, I felt a great sense of security.
◇Expressing the power of music and the impact it has
-What do you keep in mind while acting?
When talking to her friends at school, her teachers, or her mother, Tanabe-san speaks clearly and cheerfully. In Sekai, Mafuyu is portrayed as someone who finishes her story in her own mind and then mutters it.
Kanade Kusunoki is a girl who doesn't say much, but she tries to convey every word with care. Her voice is small, but she tries to convey subtle nuances. Rather than making things easy to understand with symbols, she tries to express those nuances.
The four Tanabe characters all have different personalities. Ena has a strong core, so she expresses her feelings clearly and there is kindness in her words. Mizuki is like a mood maker, brightening up the room and showing kindness in her actions.
--Please give a message to those who are looking forward to the movie.
Tanabe: You can feel the strength of everyone's desire to come together and save Miku. The songs are also a big attraction. Each unit has a completely different way of conveying and delivering the songs. Up until now, "Nigo" has put the idea of empathy at the forefront. Because they are also suffering, they can understand and be empathetic. I would like you to pay attention to that as well.
Mr. Kusunoki: What is the music that is around us? The story expresses the power of music and the influence that music has. Even if you don't know much about Vocaloid or "Project Sekai", if you like music, you can enjoy this work. Please check it out!