Actor Hiyori Sakurada appeared at the stage greeting for the completion ceremony of the movie "Under the Big Onion" (released February 7th, directed by Shogo Kusano) held in Tokyo on January 15th. She talked about her impression of Fuju Kamio, who co-starred with her.
Regarding Kamio, who "people tend to have a cool impression of him," Sakurada commented, "When I talked to him, he was a really friendly guy. I was surprised." When Sakurada honestly said, "I had an image of him as more of a dark side than a positive side, so I was really worried about whether I would be able to communicate with him," Kamio replied with a wry smile, "So that's what people were worried about."
Sakurada added, "He's a really friendly guy, and he talked to me a lot. He's a very cheerful guy. I also like the fact that he doesn't seem too cheerful," to which Kamio retorted, "You really sugar-coated it for me."
The film is a love story inspired by the hit song "Okina Onion no Shita de" (Under the Big Onion), released by rock band Bakufu Slump in 1985. Takeru (Kamio) and Miyu (Sakurada), who work at "Double," a bar at night and a cafe by day, communicate through a notebook and gradually grow closer to each other without knowing who they are.
Also attending the stage greeting were Yamamoto Mizuki, Nakagawa Daisuke, Asmi, Nishida Naomi, Harada Taizo, Eguchi Yosuke, and director Kusano Shogo.