It has been announced that the TV anime "Tougen Anki: Dark Demon of Paradise", based on the popular manga by Urushibara Yuuki, currently being serialized in "Weekly Shonen Champion" (Akita Shoten), will be broadcast on Nippon TV from July. The manga is based on the fairy tale "Momotaro", and the cast members who will play the five classmates of the main character, Ichinose Shiki, who has inherited the blood of demons, at Rakshas Academy, a school for demons, have been announced. The cast members will be Iwami Manaka as Manaka Iwami, Sakata Shogo as Yaoya Ikari, Natsuki Hanae as Yusuribe Tsuneji, Miura Kai as Jyoten Rokuro, and Aimi as Sazanami Sui-kei. It was also announced that the series will be directed by Nonaka Ato and produced by Studio Hibari.
A key visual featuring Ichinose Shiki, Kouzaki Jin, and Mudanoh Mujin activating the demonic ability, Blood-Eating Release, as well as a PV focusing on the members of Rakshasa Academy, have also been released.
"Tougen Anki: Dark Demon of Paradise" is a manga that has been serialized in "Weekly Shonen Champion" since 2020. Based on the fairy tale "Momotaro," it depicts the conflict between those with the blood of demons and those with the blood of Momotaro. The total number of copies of the comics published is over 3 million. The latest volume, 22, will be released on January 8th.
The "Togen Anki Project" was launched in June 2023, with the first stage version being performed in February 2024. A sequel is also scheduled for January. The second project will be a TV anime adaptation.
◇Staff (titles omitted)
Director: Nonaka Ato▽Assistant Director: Hashimoto Hiroyuki▽Series Composition & Screenplay: Sugawara Yukie▽Character Design: Amisaki Ryoko▽Art Setting: Betsuyaku Hiroyuki▽Art Director: Scott MacDonald▽Color Design: Tada Saki▽Director of Photography: Serizawa Naoki▽CG Director: Fukushima Ryota▽Editor: Okazaki Yumika▽Sound Director: Iida Satoki▽Music: KOHTA YAMAMOTO▽Music Production: Pony Canyon▽Animation Production: Studio Hibari
◇Cast (titles omitted)
Ichinose Shiki: Kazuki Ura ▽Muda No Man: Natsuki Hanae Hiroshi Kamiya ▽Kougazaki Jin: Manaka Iwami Nishiyama▽Byobugaura Houki: Manaka Iwami▽Yaori Ikari: Shogo Sakata▽Yusuribe Kouji: Natsuki Hanae▽Surgery Rokuro: Kai Miura▽Rinsuijei: Aimi