It has been announced that the TV anime "My Friend's Little Sister is Only Annoying to Me," based on the light novel by GA Bunko (SB Creative), will begin airing in October. A teaser visual featuring the "annoyingly cute heroine" Kohinata Ayaha, as well as a teaser PV featuring the protagonists Ooboshi Akiteru, Ayaha, and the "salty girl" Tsukinomori Mashiro, have also been released.
The work is a light novel written by Mikawa Gosuto and illustrated by Tomari. The story is about a high school student, Akiaki Ohboshi, who has dismissed all aspects of his youth as inefficient, without any need for girlfriends or familiarity, and is being bossed around by his best friend's younger sister, Ayaka Kohinata, a "high-tension, annoyingly cute girl." Then, a "cold girl," Mashiro Tsukinomori, appears and his daily life changes drastically.
The anime will be directed by Kazuomi Koga and produced by BLADE. Haruki Ishiya will play Akiteru, Sayumi Suzushiro will play Iyaha, Tomori Kusunoki will play Mashiro, and Soma Saito and Kana Hanazawa will also appear.
◇Staff (titles omitted)
Director: Kazuomi Koga ▽Series composition and script: Doko Machida▽Character design: Katsuyuki Sato▽Animation production: BLADE
◇Cast (titles omitted)
Akira Ohboshi: Haruki Ishiya▽Ayaka Kohinata: Soma Saito Sayumi Suzushiro Otoma Kohinata: Souma Saito▽Sumire Kageishi: Kana Hanazawa