Ahead of the broadcast of the golf-themed original TV anime "Sorairo Utility," the opening video was released on YouTube. The opening theme "Let's Become the Hero! feat. Suzuki Airi," by singer-songwriter Oishi Masayoshi and Suzuki Airi, a former member of the idol group "℃-ute" who is active as a singer and model, plays in the video, and the video shows the main character, Aoba Minami, a golf beginner, enjoying a round of golf with her friends.
The work is an original TV anime produced by Yostar Pictures, an animation production company of the game company Yostar. The story is about a girl, Minami Aohaba, who is searching for her own "special something", encounters golf and aims to become the "protagonist" of golf with her friends. Singer-songwriter Moeka Yahagi will be in charge of the ending theme "Horizon".
It will be broadcast on TOKYO MX and other channels from January 3rd.