The TV anime "Okitsura(Okitsura)" based on the manga by Egumi Sora, currently being serialized on Shinchosha's manga site "Kurage Bunch", will be broadcast on TOKYO MX, BS11, Okinawa Television, Ryukyu Broadcasting, Ryukyu Asahi Broadcasting and others from January 4th. Takeo Otsuka plays the main character Nakamura Teruaki (Teru), who transfers to Okinawa, Akari Kito plays Kyan Hina (Hina), who speaks Okinawan dialect Uchinaaguchi, and Fairouz Ai plays Higa Kana (Kana), who translates Uchinaaguchi. Teru, who cannot understand Hina's Uchinaaguchi at all, is helped by Kana, who actually has a crush on Teru... This is a romantic comedy. You can also enjoy the "Okinawa-like things" in the work. We asked Otsuka, Kito and Fairouz about the behind-the-scenes of the recording and their thoughts on Okinawa.
◇Respect for Okinawan culture
-What is your impression of the work?
When I saw the title, I wondered if it was a story about reincarnation in another world. As I read on, the Okinawan things were described in detail, and my understanding of Okinawa deepened. It was written from the perspective of a Tokyo native who was surprised, and as someone from Tokyo, I found it very easy to get into. It's a fun story that lets you learn about Okinawa.
Kito: I realized I don't know anything about Okinawa... There are lots of little details that only someone who has lived in Okinawa would know, and it's really interesting.
Fairouz: The Okinawan culture and historical background are incorporated into the comedy, but it is a wonderful piece that expresses it in a way that is easy for young people to relate to. Teru's reactions are fresh and relatable. The work is filled with respect for Okinawan culture, so even Okinawans can enjoy it as something they can relate to. It's a wonderful piece.
-Have you ever been to Okinawa?
Mr. Kito is not here.
Mr. Otsuka: I've only been there once. I went on a school trip. It was a chance to learn about historical matters such as wars. We planned a route for our group and visited famous tourist spots. I went there in the winter, and I was very surprised that it was so hot that I had to wear short sleeves. The nature was so beautiful, and it's a fond memory.
Fairouz: I also went there once on a high school field trip. It was a dark time... I didn't have any friends at school and I was always looking down. I was just looking forward to being able to go to the US military base, but due to various circumstances I couldn't go, and that was also hard. At that time, I had stronger likes and dislikes for food than I do now, and I remember there was nothing I could eat, so I went to McDonald's. I haven't been there since, so I'd like to go and make some good memories.
Kito: I've always wanted to go to Okinawa, so I wonder if I've done all the preparation for my trip.
◇The recording location has an Okinawan vibe
-- Mr. Kito, you're from Nagoya, do you usually speak in dialect?
Kito-san doesn't usually go out, but he does go out when he goes back to his hometown.
--Hina's dialect is cute.
Thank you , Kito-san . She is a bright and energetic girl, so I am acting with that in mind. The guide's voice is flat, so it is difficult to convey emotion. I put emotion into the sound while keeping in mind the meaning of the lines. I acted with the help of a dialect instructor.
Otsuka-san is a genius! It's amazing! Even if I was taught by a dialect teacher, I wonder if I could do it? I think it would be difficult. I feel sorry because I don't speak Okinawan at all...
Fairouz: I also thought it was a problem for someone else. I was in charge of translation, so I thought it wasn't a dialect, right? (laughs). But there was a dialect! It was exquisite. There were parts that were subtly different from standard Japanese, and I couldn't tell the rise and fall of the sounds, so I wrote arrows on the script saying up, down, up, up, down, etc. It was like a game command (laughs). I only have to be careful about the accent, but Kito has some lines where you don't even know which one is the subject, so it's really difficult. I respect him.
Kito-san, it took a lot of time to check the script. I think it took about 3 to 5 times longer than usual.
--Will you gradually be able to speak the dialect?
Kito-san: I'm gradually beginning to get the feeling that maybe this point will go up.
On your way back from recording, Fairouz will be in Okinawa.
Kito: Exactly (laughs). Even when I get home, I start talking to myself in an Okinawan-like intonation.
Otsuka: Many of the cast members are from Okinawa, so they speak in their local dialect even while waiting. The atmosphere on set is that of Okinawa.
Fairouz: We also tried Okinawan sweets. When we talked about Jimami tofu and I asked, "Where can I buy it?", everyone unanimously told me the answer.
Kito-san: The phrase "taking down Mabui" comes up quite a lot, and I was surprised because I had never heard it before.
It's also memorable when Fairouz says "Kusuke" after sneezing. It means "Damn it," but it's kind of cute. You'll want to say it.
◇ Akari Kito's Okinawan accent is amazing!
-What was the most memorable thing while working together?
Kito- san Tel created the flow, so Fai-chan and I were able to concentrate on our lines in dialect. I trust him.
Thank you, Otsuka-san . Teru is the one who moves the story forward. Kito-san, the more the recording goes on, the more the dialect becomes familiar to me, and I was watching and thinking how amazing it was.
Fairouz-san and Kana-san translate Hina-san's words, but they translate with the same enthusiasm as Hina-san. Kito-san led them.
Mr. Kito was so focused on the dialect that he was listening to the guide's audio even during breaks.
Mr. Fairouz: Sometimes I would ask too many questions and not understand, so I tried to value what emerged on the spot.
Kito-san and Fai-chan are not from Okinawa either, so it was reassuring to have them work hard together with me. At first, I was a bit worried about whether it was okay for me to play a role that I'm not from Okinawa, but once the recording started, the fun won out.
--Please give a message to those who are looking forward to the anime.
Otsuka-san: It's a set filled with a lot of love. I think if you watch the anime, you'll fall in love with Okinawa, and like me, you'll want to go. I think it's a very enjoyable work even for people in Okinawa. I'd love for people all over Japan and overseas to see it.
Mr. Fairouz, if you see this, you will definitely want to go to Okinawa! Everyone, you should get your travel tickets to Okinawa in 2026 early. I also recommend Jimami tofu!
Mr. Kito: There are many depictions of Okinawan culture and Okinawan things, so just by watching, you can become more knowledgeable about Okinawa. I hope you will watch until the end. I have never been to Okinawa, but I love it so much that I think of it as my second hometown, so I would like to go there and show what I have learned.