The sixth installment of the " Maomao , Traveling Through the Seasons with Jinshi" project, which is aimed at the second season of the TV anime " The Apothecary Diaries ," based on Natsu Hyuga 's light novel, which was born from the Shosetsuka ni Naro submission site "Let's Become a Jinshi," has been released. The project releases new visuals themed on seasonal plants on the 22nd of each month, and the sixth installment is themed on the poisonous flower daffodil. It depicts Maomao, who cannot hide her excitement at the sight of the poisonous plant daffodil, and Princess Rika, smiling gently.
The "The Apothecary Diaries" character diagnosis was also released online. After answering five questions, you will be diagnosed with which of the nine characters, including Maomao and Jinshi, you are most similar to.
The light novel version of "The Apothecary Diaries" is published by Hero Bunko (Imagine Infos), and the comic adaptation is also gaining popularity. The total number of copies of the original series has exceeded 38 million. The story is set in the glamorous harem of a certain continent, where a young poison taster named Maomao and a handsome eunuch Jinshi become embroiled in an incident that takes place in the harem, which is full of conspiracies and rumors.
The first season of the TV anime aired on Nippon Television from October 2023 to March 2024. The second season will be broadcast on Nippon Television's anime slot "FRIDAY ANIME NIGHT (Fura-ani)" from January 10, 2025, for two consecutive seasons every Friday at 11 pm.
* Visual staff (titles omitted)
Original art: Yukiko Nakatani▽Color design: Misato Aida▽Finishing touches: Yuzuki Murai▽Special effects: Takeshi Ogawa▽Background: Shintaro Nagisa