The ninth episode of the drama series "Watashi no Takaramono" (Fuji TV, Thursdays at 10pm), starring actor Matsumoto Wakana, was broadcast on December 12th. The "eye acting" shown by Tatsuya Fukazawa, a member of the popular group "Snow Man" who plays Fuyutsuki, became a hot topic on social media.
◇The following contains spoilers
When Hiroki (Tanaka Kei) asks, "My wife's maiden name is Natsuno. Her name is Natsuno Miu (Matsumoto). You're the one she had an affair with, right?" Fuyutsuki remains silent. However, when he says, "Did you two reminisce about the time when you were getting along well and were in love for the first time? That's what you hear all the time, isn't it? You met at a class reunion and it just happened on the spur of the moment. Did you get excited reminiscing?", he glares at Hiroki.
"What's with those eyes?" Hiroki asked angrily, to which Fuyutsuki replied, "It's not that." "When Natsuno was in middle school, he always smiled sincerely, and it was a beautiful smile. But when we met again, he couldn't smile properly. He had been pushed so hard that he could no longer feel pain. His heart had been crying for so long that it was torn apart, so..." As Fuyutsuki said this, Hiroki grabbed him by the collar with all his might.
On social media, there were many comments such as, "Fuyutsuki's angry eyes, when he said, "You're the one who killed Natsuno's heart," were amazing," "I was drawn in by his eyes, quietly burning with blue rage, as he faced off against Hiroki," "The way Fuyutsuki glared at Hiroki was really good," and "I was captivated by the scene where Hiroki and Fuyutsuki came face to face with Fuyutsuki and saw the angry look in his eyes."