Accessories based on the anime " JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean," which is based on the sixth part of Hirohiko Araki's popular manga "JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE 's Bizarre Adventure," will be released, including a "Silver Chain Necklace" and a "Reversible Necklace Charm" featuring characters and their Stands.
The accessory is a collaboration with the jewelry brand "TAKE-UP," and the "silver chain necklace" is decorated with a plate engraved with "JOJO★." There are two types: one with a total length of about 40 cm (13,200 yen) and one with a total length of about 50 cm (14,300 yen).
The "Reversible Necklace Charm" is a necklace charm that can be used with the "Silver Chain Necklace". There are five types in total, inspired by characters and stands, including Jolyne Kujo, Hermes Costello, F.F., Weather Report, and Narciso Anasui. The price is 13,200 yen. It will be enclosed in a box designed to evoke the world of the work.
Reservations are being accepted at "BanColle!" on Bandai Namco Group's official shopping site "Premium Bandai" and elsewhere. Shipment is scheduled for June.