Miki Yoshikawa's romantic comedy manga "A Couple of Cuckoos," which has also been adapted into a TV anime, celebrated its fifth anniversary in issue 9 of the magazine "Weekly Shonen Magazine" (Kodansha), released on January 29th. Voice actors in the anime, Kaito Ishikawa who plays Umino Nagi, Akari Akari Kito who plays Amano Erika, Nao Toyama who plays Segawa Hiro, and Konomi Kohara who plays Umino Sachi, have sent in congratulatory comments.
Ishikawa commented, "Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of the serialization of 'The Cuckoo's Fiancee'! As a reader since the beginning of the serialization, I have been excitedly watching the direction of this love story. With new characters joining the story and more things to think about, I can't help but feel rooting for the character to grow. A second season of the TV anime has also been announced. I will do my best to express Nagi's conflicts and growth!"
Kito said, "Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of the original serialization of 'The Quintessential Quintuplets'! Despite the grueling schedule of a weekly serialization, Yoshikawa-sensei has continued to draw interesting and wonderful manga for five years, which is truly amazing! Your manga is bright and interesting, and always gives me energy! With the second season of the anime also confirmed, I am looking forward to once again entering the world of 'The Quintessential Quintuplets' as Erika! I will continue to support you as a fan!"
Higashiyama said, "Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of the serialization! And a second season of the anime has been confirmed...!! The story will develop in an eventful way from here on out, with content that leaves you speechless, and Yoshikawa-sensei always gives us lots of excitement and thrills. The long-awaited character will also be joining the cast, and I hope that with this once again lively cast we can liven up 'The Cuckoo's Fiancee'! Take care of yourself and do your best with the serialization!!"
Ohara commented, "Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of the serialization! I'm glad I met Sachi, and I'm looking forward to how the story develops from here. There will be a second season of the TV anime, so I'm looking forward to spending time with the lively Cuckoo team again. I wonder if that girl will appear in the anime...? I would like to cherish the time I spend with Sachi again as I play the role. I hope you will continue to support both the manga and the anime!"
"The Cuckoo's Fiancee" is a manga by Yoshikawa, who is also known for "Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches" and other works. It depicts the love story between Umino Nagi, a second-year student at a prestigious private school, and Amano Erika, a very rich high school girl. The first season of the TV anime aired from April to October 2022. There is also talk that the second season will air in 2025.