Freelance announcer and actor Misato Ugaki has opened her own YouTube channel. In her first post, she released a video titled "Misato Ugaki Drinks for 3 Hours," in which she talked about the truth behind the "coffee spilling incident" that was reported in a weekly magazine during her time at TBS.
In the video, Ugaki's manager talks about her true character, and also mentions the rumor that she is considered "annoying" in the industry. The manager believes that the rumor may have gained credibility when she spoke about the "coffee spilling incident" reported in a weekly magazine on the variety show "Downtown Now" in 2019, shortly after she left TBS.
The "coffee spilling incident" was an episode from Ugaki's time at TBS, in which she was reported to have spilled her coffee after being informed by a producer just before she was to be removed from a program she was in charge of, and responded by saying, "That should have been decided a long time ago. I think that's very rude."
On YouTube, Ugaki partially denied the weekly magazine report, saying, "I didn't wear it! I threw it away. In the sink right in front of him," but added, "That wasn't good either. I was young at the time." "But I did throw it away, so I guess I was a really nasty person."
Ugaki, who was angry at the producer for being "difficult to trust," recalled that she thought "I don't need this" when he bought her coffee. She then threw it away, saying, "It's hard to drink something you give me," and reflected, "(Looking back) that's really not good! I may have been very edgy when I was an employee."