Miki Fujimoto and Natsuko Yokozawa, mothers of three, are the hosts of the TV Asahi variety show "Otoko ga Neta Ato ni" (Tuesdays at 12:15am, except in some regions), which is popular for its refreshing talks in which they release daily stress about childcare, housework, and their husbands. It has been revealed that the number of views of the New Year's special broadcast on January 3rd has exceeded 1 million.
This was the first time the program has exceeded 1 million views. In the New Year's special, former Morning Musume member and mother of four Konno Asami spoke about "children's fights," while former AKB48 member and mother Minegishi Minami spoke about the changes in her relationship with her husband after giving birth. Former Japanese national soccer team member Okubo Yoshito and former MLB player Kawasaki Munenori also appeared as "athlete dads."
Barbie will be appearing as a guest on the January 28th broadcast. She will talk about how she met her husband, Tsu-tan, and the differences in their child-rearing philosophies.