The second episode of the drama series "The Hot Spot" (NTV, Sunday 10:30 pm), starring actress Ichikawa Mikako, was broadcast on January 19th. The episode featured a scene in which the "alien" Takahashi (Kadota Akihiro), a colleague of the protagonist Endo Kiyomi (Ichikawa), who works at a business hotel, makes full use of his abilities, which caused a stir on social media.
◇The following contains spoilers.
In the second episode, Kiyomi finds out one day that her coworker Takahashi is an alien. Takahashi warns her not to tell anyone, but Kiyomi ends up telling her childhood friends Hazuki (Suzuki Anne) and Minami (Hiraiwa Kami), and the four of them - Kiyomi, Hazuki, Minami and Takahashi - end up sharing a secret.
Kiyomi, Hazuki, and Minami catch up on their lives over lunch at a local restaurant on the weekend. As they are having a casual conversation, Kiyomi is approached by Hazuki, an elementary school teacher, for advice on a troublesome problem. It is about a volleyball that has gotten stuck in the ceiling of the gymnasium, and Kiyomi and her friends try to persuade the hesitant Takahashi to turn to their powers. While Kiyomi and her friends wait outside, Takahashi sneaks into the school late at night and uses his powers to retrieve the ball... and so the story unfolds.
Later in the story, the pranksters who had been causing a stir by drawing graffiti on the school grounds break into the elementary school. Kiyomi and her friends, who had seen the whole thing, call the police, but the pranksters, sensing this, finish their graffiti and try to leave. But at that moment, a volleyball comes flying at high speed and hits them, knocking them down.
When the remaining prankster looked in the direction the ball had come from, he saw Takahashi standing on top of the gymnasium with the full moon in the background. Takahashi had been using his alien powers to hit the volleyball. Afterwards, Takahashi hit one of the pranksters who was frightened and ran away with the ball, and knocked down the remaining one with the black candy he had in his mouth, contributing to the police's arrest.
On social media, there was a flood of excited comments about Takahashi's performance. Comments like "Takahashi-san is cool," "Is he a hero?", "The fourth shot was a black candy," "Takahashi-san is the best," and "Takahashi-san carrying the moon is too cool lol" were all gathered.