The second episode of the TV anime "SAKAMOTO DAYS," based on the popular manga by Suzuki Yuto that is currently being serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha), titled "VS Song-Hee Bachou," will be broadcast on TV Tokyo and other channels on January 18th.
Shin, an esper, retires from his job as a hitman after seeing the warmth of the family that Sakamoto is protecting at the risk of his life. He is invited by Sakamoto to work at Sakamoto Shoten. One day, while shopping in the downtown area, Sakamoto and Shin encounter Lu Xiaotan being chased by a group of men. The girl, who appears to be the daughter of a mafia member, is being targeted by twin hitmen Songhee and Bacho.
The story is about Taro Sakamoto, a former legendary assassin who runs a shop after retiring, who fights against approaching assassins with his friends to protect the peaceful daily life he lives with his beloved family. This is a popular "Weekly Shonen Jump" work with impressive battle scenes featuring unique characters, and the appearance of a luxurious cast of voice actors such as Nobunaga Shimazaki as Shin Asakura, a psychic who can read other people's minds and a Nobunaga Shimazaki of Sakamoto's from his days as an assassin, and Ayane Sakura as Ayane Sakura, a former mafia member who now works at Sakamoto Shoten, is also a hot topic.