It has been revealed that the movie version of the 22nd installment of the popular anime "PreCure" series, "Kimi to Idol PreCure♪," titled "Kimi to Idol PreCure♪ The Movie (tentative title)," will be released this fall.
The motif of "You and Idol Precure♪" is "idols," and the theme is "Because of you, I can shine and become stronger!". The legendary saviors, Idol Precure, sing, dance, and give "fan service" for "you," the people they love, the people they care about, the people who support them, the people next to them, and the people in front of them, and your presence makes Idol Precure shine brightly and strongly.
The cast will include Misato Matsuoka as Cure Idol/Sakura Uta, Minami Takahashi as Cure Ink/Soukaze Nana, and Natsumi Takamori as Cure Kyun Kyun/Shizu Kokoro. The show will be broadcast on ABC TV and TV Asahi every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. starting February 2nd.