Mobile Suit Gundam Wing:Gundam Epyon figure with a unique design arrangement from GUNDAM UNIVERSE, featuring a new frame

「新機動戦記ガンダムW」のガンダムエピオンのフィギュア「GUNDAM UNIVERSE OZ-13MS GUNDAM EPYON」(c)創通・サンライズ
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「新機動戦記ガンダムW」のガンダムエピオンのフィギュア「GUNDAM UNIVERSE OZ-13MS GUNDAM EPYON」(c)創通・サンライズ

The Gundam Epyon figure from the anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing,"GUNDAM UNIVERSE OZ-13MS GUNDAM EPYON" (Bandai Spirits), will be released in June. The price is 4,400 yen.

It features a design arrangement unique to the "GUNDAM UNIVERSE" series. It uses a new frame and boasts a wide range of motion.

It comes with a beam sword, movable heat rod, and shield. Total height is approximately 15.5 cm.

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