The junior high school edition of Yuji Ninomiya's baseball manga "BUNGO" was concluded in the combined April/May 2025 issue of the serialized magazine "Weekly Young Jump" (Shueisha), released on December 26th. It brought an end to the roughly 10-year serialization that began in December 2014. Although the junior high school edition has concluded, it has been announced that a new chapter, the high school edition, "BUNGO -unreal-", will begin serialization in the summer of 2025.
The story is set in the world of junior high school baseball and depicts the fierce battles and struggles of elite baseball players before they move on to high school. Bungo Ishihama, who grew up in a town without a youth baseball team, and Yukio Noda, a member of the Japanese youth baseball team, meet at junior high school and both end up joining the super-strong Shizuo Senior team.
The manga has been published up to volume 40, and the series has sold over 7 million copies in total. The final volume, volume 41, of the junior high school edition will be released on April 17, 2025.
To commemorate the completion of the junior high school arc, Shueisha's manga app "Young Jump!" will be running a free release campaign on "Zebrack."