Macross:Shoji Kawamori and Nozomi Nishida are judges for the 9th Macross Modelers Plastic Model Photo Contest

「マクロス」シリーズのプラモデルのコンテスト「マクロスモデラーズ第9回プラモデルフォトコンテスト」(c)2023 BIGWEST/MACROSS DELTA PROJECT
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「マクロス」シリーズのプラモデルのコンテスト「マクロスモデラーズ第9回プラモデルフォトコンテスト」(c)2023 BIGWEST/MACROSS DELTA PROJECT

It has been announced that the "Macross Modelers 9th Plastic Model Photo Contest," a contest for plastic models from the popular anime series "Macross," will be held.

Judges include director Shoji Kawamori and Nozomi Nishida, who played Makina Nakajima in "Macross Delta."

Applications will be accepted from December 20th to May 31st, 2025 on Twitter. To apply, post a photo of the completed work and the appealing points of the work with the hashtag "#MacrossModelersApplication". The results will be announced in August 2025.

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