The ninth episode of the drama series "Watashi no Takaramono" (Fuji TV, Thursdays at 10pm), starring actor Wakana Matsumoto, aired on December 12th. The scene in which Miu (played by Matsumoto) retorts to Risa (played by Sato Honami) became a hot topic on social media.
◇The following contains spoilers
Risa is angry and says she cannot forgive Miu for having an affair with Fuyutsuki (Tatsuya Fukazawa). "Aren't you ashamed? You have a child, don't you? How shameful. I feel sorry for your child," she vents her anger at Miu.
Miu listened to Risa's words with her head bowed. She then looked up and denied Risa's argument, saying, "What have you been talking about? Have you been listening to what people are saying? Fuyutsuki is a friend from middle school. She taught me the joys of working at a flea market, and saved me from boredom, when I was just an ordinary housewife who only went back and forth between home and the supermarket. It's nothing more, nothing less. How does that amount to adultery?"
Miu continued, "I heard that he was one of my husband's clients, so I tried not to be too rude, but frankly, this kind of thing is a nuisance," to which she replied, "I don't know what you misunderstood, but if you feel that way, why don't you talk to Fuyutsuki directly before coming to complain to me? He's an important person, isn't he? Just because you can't do that, don't drag me into your pointless jealousy! Don't you think it's shameful?"
Immediately afterwards, Risa splashes a glass of water over Miu, but she is shown saying, "I hope you and Fuyutsuki are happy." On social media, comments included, "It was good that Miu properly talked back to Risa!", "Applause for the scene where Miu talks back to Risa! It completely changes the image of her as a weak character," "I'm glad Miu talked back. Miu doesn't usually talk back..." and "Miu is cool. This is the attitude I wanted her to have."