Details of the collaboration between the popular anime series "Gundam" and Hatsune Miku have been announced. The collaboration will take place during the third limited-time open of the metaverse project "Gundam Metaverse." Hatsune Miku will perform her popular songs "Senbonzakura" and "World is Mine," as well as "Fly! Gundam," the opening theme of "Mobile Suit Gundam," and "FLYING IN THE SKY," the opening theme of "Mobile Fighter G Gundam." Hatsune Miku will wear a special costume inspired by the songs and works, and you can enjoy special performances by Gundam and Hatsune Miku during the live show. The first performance will start at 8pm on December 5th. The third limited-time open will take place from December 5th to 9th.