The second season of the TV anime "Shangri-La Frontier," based on the manga currently being serialized in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" (Kodansha), will enter a new chapter, "Nephilim Hollow Arc," from episode 31, which will air on November 17th. It has been announced that Takahashi Rie and Ishikawa Kaito will appear as additional cast members. Takahashi will play Loosto, who is currently ranked number one in the robot action game "Nephilim Hollow," while Ishikawa will play Mordo, who plays the same game alongside Loosto. A promotional video for the "Nephilim Hollow Arc" has also been released on YouTube.
Loosto, played by Takahashi, is a skilled player who was only able to bring even Sanraku to a draw in the robot action game "Nephilim Hollow." He wears a robot suit called "Hiyokurenri" and is determined not to change robots until he loses. Mordo, played by Ishikawa, is an excellent operator who plays "Nephilim Hollow" alongside Loosto. He has a cool head that is not affected by ordinary scheming.
The PV begins with the narration, "After many things have happened and his spirit is broken, Sanraku is not playing 'Shangri-La' but the robot action game 'Nephilim Hollow'." The atmosphere is different from the previous videos, making you think, "Is this a different anime?" You can see a part of the confrontation between Sanraku, who shows off his gaming skills even in robot games, and the absolute champion Rust.
The work is a comic adaptation of a popular light novel on the novel submission site "Let's Become a Novelist." The story is about a gamer who loves crappy games, Yomuro Yomuro, who challenges the godly game "Shangri-La Frontier" with 30 million players. The series began serialization in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" in July 2020.
The first season of the TV anime was broadcast on MBS and TBS's Sunday 5pm anime slot "Nichigo" from October 2023 to March 2024. The second season will air on Sundays at 5pm starting October 13th.