To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Nippon Animation's founding, 20 classic works will be distributed for free on YouTube, including "A Dog of Flanders," "Future Boy Conan," and "A Little Princess Sara."

「フランダースの犬」の一場面(C)NIPPON ANIMATION CO.,LTD.
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「フランダースの犬」の一場面(C)NIPPON ANIMATION CO.,LTD.

To commemorate Nippon Animation's 50th anniversary in June 2025, it has been announced that they will be streaming around 20 classic works, including "A Dog of Flanders," for free on YouTube. The first installment will be "A Dog of Flanders," which was broadcast in 1975, the year the studio was founded, from 8 p.m. on November 1. Three episodes will be streamed every Friday at 8 p.m. "Future Boy Conan" will be streamed every Wednesday at 8 p.m. from November 13, "Hey! Bun-Boo" every Monday at 8 p.m. from December 2, "A Little Princess Sara" every Tuesday at 8 p.m. from December 17, and "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" every Thursday at 8 p.m. from January 2, 2025. Three episodes will be streamed every week. Other titles to be streamed will be announced in the future. Nippon Animation was founded in 1975 as an animation production company in Tama, Tokyo, and has produced masterpieces such as the World Masterpiece Theater series, which began with A Dog of Flanders, Future Boy Conan, and Chibi Maruko-chan.

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