It has been revealed that the TV anime "Apocalypse Bringer Mynoghra," based on the light novel from GC Novels (Micro Magazine), will be broadcast in 2025. The main cast has also been announced, with Kumagai Toshiki playing the protagonist Ira Takuto and Kusunoki Tomori playing the sludge Atou.
The work is a light novel written by Kazuno Fefu and illustrated by Jun. The story follows Ira Takuto, a legendary player who was ranked number one by users in the nation management simulation game "Eternal Nations", who is reincarnated in another world as an evil god who leads the evil nation of Mynogura, and expands his power together with the characters in the game.
Kumagai commented, "When I read the original work, I was really drawn to the setting of an evil nation, yet the pacifist Takuto and his crew building the nation from scratch. There are lots of interesting elements, such as Atou's intense loyalty, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the world of Mynoghra will be portrayed in the anime! I will do my best to play the evil god Ira-Takuto!"
Kusunoki, who plays Atu the Sludge, one of the hero units that appears in the game and who reveres Takuto as her master, said, "Atu's expressions change depending on the situation and the person she is talking to, so during the audition I struggled to figure out how to play her and what her true personality was. She is sometimes reassuring, sometimes frightening...and yet she is also a soothing character, so I hope I can enjoy playing her! Please look forward to the broadcast."
A teaser visual featuring Ira-Takuto and Ato was also released.