Cure Idols Cure Ink and Cure Kyun Kyun from the 22nd installment of the popular anime series "PreCure: Idol PreCure♪" will debut as Idol PreCure on February 1st. The first event for Idol PreCure, "Ohirome Debut Live," which aims to "meet 1 million of you!", will be held on February 1st at Sakata Seed Garden Square in Yokohama Landmark Tower (Nishi-ku, Yokohama). The event will also be held at Aeon Mall Nagoya Chaya (Minato-ku, Nagoya) on February 16th and at Grand Front Osaka (Kita-ku, Osaka) on March 15th.
Following the debut, it was also announced that debut advertisements will be displayed in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Minato Mirai, Yokohama, Nagoya, and Osaka from January 27th. The debut advertisements will appear on the large outdoor digital signage, Ikebukuro Hit Vision, at the east exit of Ikebukuro Station, and on Ikebukuro PARCO Vision, located directly opposite, from January 27th to February 2nd. In the underground concourse of Ikebukuro Station, "character-revealing advertisements" will also be displayed on the digital signage within Orange Road and on the digital signage on the pillars at the intersection of the central passage, Orange Road, and Apple Road from January 27th to February 9th.
The "Tokimeki Alert" ad has also been launched to warn viewers that their hearts will be pounding when they watch "Kimi to Idol PreCure♪." The special breaking news style ad announcing PreCure's idol debut will appear at the ticket gate on the 3rd basement floor of Minatomirai Station (Nishi-ku, Yokohama), the central concourse of JR Nagoya Station (Nakamura-ku, Nagoya), and the ticket gate pillar at the Midosuji Exit of Osaka Station (Kita-ku, Osaka) from January 27th to February 28th. The "Tokimeki Alert" will be wrapped around the main entrance of Bandai's head office building (Taito-ku, Tokyo) from January 24th to February 28th.
The motif of "You and Idol Precure♪" is "idols," and the theme is "Because of you, I can shine and become stronger!". The legendary saviors, Idol Precure, sing, dance, and give "fan service" for "you," the people they love, the people they care about, the people who support them, the people next to them, and the people in front of them, and your presence makes Idol Precure shine brightly and strongly.
The cast will include Misato Matsuoka as Cure Idol/Sakura Uta, Minami Takahashi as Cure Ink/Soukaze Nana, and Natsumi Takamori as Cure Kyun Kyun/Shizu Kokoro. The show will be broadcast on ABC TV and TV Asahi every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. starting February 2nd.