New merchandise featuring original illustrations from the anime " Jujutsu Kaisen ," based on the manga by Gege Akutami that was serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha), will be released at Animate on January 25th. The original illustrations show characters such as Yuji Itadori, Satoru Gojo, Panda, and Kento Nanami enjoying basketball.
Products on sale include the "Acrylic Stand/Basketball Ver." (8 types, 1,650 yen each), "Holographic Badge Collection/Basketball Ver." (8 types, 550 yen each), and "2-Piece Die-Cut Sticker Set/Basketball Ver." (8 types, 660 yen each), all featuring original illustrations.
Animate stores nationwide and Animate online store will be holding a campaign called "TV Anime Jujutsu Kaisen Basketball Fair in Animate" from January 25th to February 23rd, which will include new products. During the campaign period, if you purchase or reserve goods related to the anime Jujutsu Kaisen for 1,100 yen or more, you will receive one clear bromide (8 types in total).