A completely original spin-off short drama, "Don't Tell Mikami Sensei ," of the Sunday Theatre drama " Mikami Sensei " (TBS, Sundays at 9pm), starring actor Tori Matsuzaka , began streaming on the show's official TikTok account and other platforms from January 20th.
"Don't Tell Mikami Sensei." is a spin-off short drama in an omnibus format consisting of eight episodes, each of which features a different student, and is about 90 seconds long. You can watch it as if you are peeking into the events that happen at the school gates as students go to and from school, or in the hallways on a certain day. This is TBS's first spin-off short drama, and it will be distributed on the program's official TikTok account, as well as UniReel and TVer.
In the first episode of the first period, "Forgetting your name gets you zero points?", Tokumori (Rintaro Hachimura), Fuyuki (Koki Yamashita ), and Ayase (Moka Otsuka) appear from the 29 student cast members. Set in a classroom at Rintoku Academy, Fuyuki and Ayase argue over a quiz, and Wakui slowly opens his mouth to tell them what to do. And what will happen with the quiz? This is the story.