Mana Takai, who gained attention for her role as Sonogo in the Super Sentai series "Boutarou Sentai Don Brothers," will appear in the drama series "Tokyo Camouflage Hour" (ABC TV/TV Asahi), starring Kaito Matsukura of the popular group "Travis Japan."
The drama is based on the manga of the same name by Chiaki Matsumoto, and comedian Hikorohi is writing the script for his first drama series. The main character is a fair-skinned, handsome boy who starts living in Tokyo with the belief that "something will change if I go to Tokyo." This is a romantic comedy that depicts the human drama that wavers between true feelings and reason.
Takai commented, "After reading the script, I felt that the atmosphere conveyed through the lines and stage directions was very realistic, and I wanted to see the characters' human actions and words on screen as soon as possible. I am very honored to have the opportunity to appear in such a production."
"The character I played, Kimika, is the ●●● of bartender Ryo-kun (Matsumoto Reo).She is a woman who basically exudes composure and strength, and although she appears only a few times, I hope viewers will pay attention to her distance from Ryo-kun and how she disrupts the story as an important spice to the work!"
The drama airs on ABC TV every Sunday at 12:10am and on TV Asahi every Saturday at 2:30am.