It has been revealed that the anime "Me & Roboco," based on the popular comedy manga by Shuhei Miyazaki currently being serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha), will collaborate with the J1 soccer team Kawasaki Frontale. The collaboration was made possible because the original author, Miyazaki, is from Kawasaki City, the hometown of Kawasaki Frontale, and to commemorate the release of the movie version of "Me & Roboco" on April 18th, a collaborative match will be held this spring at the team's home ground, Uvance Todoroki Stadium by Fujitsu (Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki City).
On January 18th, Roboco appeared at the "2025 Kawasaki Frontale New System Announcement Press Conference" held in Kawasaki City. Kawasaki native and player Ryota Kamihashi dressed up as Bond and announced the decision to hold a collaborative match.
"Me & Roboco" began serialization in "Weekly Shonen Jump" in July 2020. Set in the year 20XX, when every household has a beautiful maid robot, the story depicts the comical daily life of Roboco, a maid robot with unconventional behavior, and Bond, a kind-hearted boy. The comic has sold a total of approximately 1.5 million copies. The TV anime aired from December 2022 to June 2023.
As with the TV anime, the movie version will feature comedian Shun Matsuo of Chocolate Planet as Roboco, with voice actors Minami Tsuda, Ryotaro Okiayu, Shunsuke Takeuchi, M.A.O, and Sae Hiratsuka. The movie will be directed by Heitaro Daichi, known for his work on anime series Ojarumaru and Sexy Command Gaiden: Sugoi yo!! Masaru-san, and is known as a "master of comedy anime."