The 14th episode of the TV anime " The Blue Wolves of Mibu ," based on a manga about the Shinsengumi by Tsuyoshi Yasuda , who is also known for the soccer manga "DAYS," titled "The Money Raiser," will be broadcast on the Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV network from 5:30 pm on January 18th.
Niho comes up with the idea of making matching haori coats for the Miburo as a "sign" to reassure the people of Kyoto. However, the cost of this would be 250 ryo. The soldiers set out into the town to earn money. Niho and the others also go out to look for work, but at first, Hijikata says, "You guys don't come with me," and goes off on his own. Around that time, Hijikata meets a woman who says, "I have a fine sword. I'd love for you to wield it," and she takes him to a swordsmith who is known as "the best swordsmith in Japan."
" The Blue Wolves of Mibu" has been serialized in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" (Kodansha) since 2021. Set in Kyoto at the end of the Edo period, it depicts the life of the Shinsengumi . The anime will be directed by Kumiko Habara , who has worked on " I'm Standing on a Million Lives ," and produced by MAHO FILM.