The 13th episode of the TV anime " The Blue Wolves of Mibu ," based on the manga about the Shinsengumi by Tsuyoshi Yasuda, who is also known for the soccer manga "DAYS," titled "Draw the Same Dream," will be broadcast on the Yomiuri TV/Nippon TV network from 5:30 pm on January 11th.
Oi protects Kikuchiyo all the way to Nijo Castle, but is wounded in a fight with Naosumi and passes out. When Oi wakes up in the middle of the night, she sees the reality of the situation, hearing voices calling for the expulsion of foreigners from the outside world all the way to the castle. The next morning, when she tells Kikuchiyo about this, he tells her the shocking truth: "The expulsion of foreigners has been decided." Kikuchiyo blurts out, "It's as if we're being swept away by the river of an era that cannot be changed by human power," and suggests to Oi, "Why don't you quit Miburo and work for me?"
" The Blue Wolves of Mibu" has been serialized in "Weekly Shonen Magazine" (Kodansha) since 2021. Set in Kyoto at the end of the Edo period, it depicts the life of the Shinsengumi . The anime will be directed by Kumiko Habara , who has worked on " I'm Standing on a Million Lives ," and produced by MAHO FILM.