It has been announced that the "Little Twin Stars Happy Set," a collaboration between Sanrio's popular characters Little Twin Stars (Kiki & Lala), who are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year, and McDonald's children's menu "Happy Set," will be sold at McDonald's restaurants nationwide from January 17th.
The first round, running from January 17 to 23, will include the "Kiki & Lala Star Stamp" stamp with Kiki and Lala figures, the "Kiki & Lala Unicorn Comb" with Kiki and Lala riding a unicorn, and the "Kiki & Lala Star Name Clip" star-shaped name holder. The second round, running from January 24 to 30, will include the star-shaped mirrors "Kiki & Lala Star Compact Mirror," "Kiki & Lala's Friendship Trinket Case," and "Kiki & Lala's Fluffy Scrunchie."
The third wave, which will be released on January 31st, will come with a bonus gift of one of the six toys that appeared in the first and second waves.