The 10th episode of the popular detective drama "Aibou Season 23" (TV Asahi, Wednesdays at 9pm) titled "Sheltering from the Rain" aired on January 8th, and guest appearance by Kokoro Aoshima became a hot topic.
The story depicts an incident involving the love between a man and a woman who meet while sheltering from the rain. Aoshima plays Touko Kiriyama, a woman who is the object of affection of umbrella craftsman Kengo Fukumaru (Masahiro Usui). On social media, viewers commented, "Who is this beautiful woman?", "Kokoro Aoshima is so beautiful," "Kokoro Aoshima has such a perfect face," and "She's so pretty." There were also comments such as, "It was a wonderful love story that will remain in my memory even in the long series of Aibou," "It was a really good story," and "Today's Aibou made me cry."
Aoshima was born on May 19, 1999 and is 25 years old. She attracted attention for her role as Tsumuri in the special effects drama "Kamen Rider Geats" (2022-2023). Special effects fans commented, "It's Tsumuri who appears in Aibou!! She's so cute," and "She showed a different charm from Tsumuri."