It has been revealed that the box office revenue of the new animated film based on the popular anime series "Nintama Rantaro" - " Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Dokutake Ninja Corps Strongest Strategist" (directed by Fujimori Masaya) - has exceeded 1 billion yen, breaking the record for the film series.
To commemorate the box office revenue exceeding 1 billion yen, a video of the main story containing action scenes of Amagi and the sixth graders was released on YouTube. The voice of Amagi, played by Toshihiko Seki, was unveiled on the web for the first time.
"Dokutake Ninja Corps Strongest Strategist" is the first animated film of "Nintama Rantaro Nintama Rantaro the Movie: Ninjutsu Academy All Out! No Dan" was released in 2011. It is the first film adaptation of the novel "Novel: Failed Ninja Rantaro: Dokutake Ninja Corps Strongest Strategist" based on the original manga "Failed Ninja Rantaro" by Amako Soubei. After facing a duel challenged by Tasogaredoki ninja, Morozumi Sonnamon, Doi-sensei disappears, and while Yamada-sensei and the sixth graders of the Ninjutsu Academy search for Doi-sensei, a white darkness creeps into the school... The film was released on December 20, 2024.