The NHK drama series "Tokyo Salad Bowl," starring actor Nao and Matsuda Ryuhei, will begin airing on January 7th in the station's "Drama 10" slot (General TV, Tuesdays at 10pm). Set in Tokyo, where some 700,000 foreign residents live, Nao plays a green-haired police officer involved in an international investigation, paired with Matsuda as a troubled Chinese language interpreter, Yukino Ryo, in this socially conscious entertainment series that picks up the lives of people who are on the verge of falling through the cracks of Japanese society.
The drama is based on the manga "Tokyo Salad Bowl - International Investigation Case File" by Kuromaru, who is also known for "Kurosagi". Nao plays Koda Mari, a police officer with distinctive green hair from the International Investigation Division of Higashi-Shinjuku Police Station, who lends a helping hand to people, both foreign and Japanese. Matsuda plays Arino Ryo, a Chinese interpreter at the Metropolitan Police Department's Interpretation Center, who does his job without letting his own emotions get in the way. Due to a sad event in the past, Arino has lived his life keeping a distance from others, but after meeting Koda, he begins to face his past.
The drama will feature Aoi Nakamura, Rena Takeda, Daisuke Nakagawa, Soichi Igense, Nomura Busso, Mandy Sekiguchi, Daichi Asai, Shinnosuke Abe, Tetsu Hirahara, Ayako Imoto, Sarutoki Minagawa, and Hiroshi Mikami. International cast members include Han Chang, Li Ting Hui, Qiao Chuanyuan, and Nguyen Truong Khang.
The subtitle of the first episode is "Scorpions and Boiled Dumplings". Ryo Yukino, who was interpreting for a Chinese suspect, met a green-haired female detective, Mari Koda, at lunchtime and ended up being forced to help her find someone. Shen, a Chinese exchange student, begins to search for her friend Candy, who has disappeared.
Did she fall in love with someone in the enchanting city of Tokyo, or did she disappear intentionally? While investigating the circumstances, Koda is attracted to Yukino's accurate interpretation and her sharpness as a former detective, and asks her if they would like to team up. The shadow of a suspicious man appears behind the disappearance...