A collaboration commercial between the TV anime " The Blue Wolves of Mibu ," based on a manga about the Shinsengumi by Tsuyoshi Yasuda , known for "DAYS," and the new TV anime "Shin Samurai Den YAIBA," based on the manga "YAIBA" by Gosho Gosho Aoyama, known for " Detective Conan ," has been released on YouTube.
" The Blue Wolves of Mibu" is broadcast every Saturday at 5:30 pm on the Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV networks, and the collaborative commercial has been released in response to "Shin Samurai Den YAIBA" being broadcast in the same time slot from April.
The video features Nino from "The Blue Wolves of Mibu" and Yaiba from "Shin Samurai Den YAIBA" throwing messages to each other.