The 47th episode of the 21st installment of the popular anime "PreCure" series, "Wonderful PreCure!", titled "Happy New Year Gaoh", will be broadcast on ABC TV and TV Asahi at 8:30 a.m. on January 5th.
Komugi and her friends arrive at the seaside park before dawn. While Iroha and Komugi frolic on the sand, Yuki, who is cold, is given hot tea by Mayu. Soon the first sunrise arrives, and Komugi and her friends exchange New Year's greetings. Komugi and her friends arrive at Animal Shrine, and on their way to the shrine for the first time in the year, they decide to go and buy a charm to pray for a safe birth for the calf that will soon be born at Okuma Ranch.
Komugi and her friends pass by Kagamiishi and enjoy watching the townspeople and animals who come to visit the shrine for the first time in the new year, but suddenly the animals all become wary, and Komugi and Yuki also react to Gaou's presence. Eventually, darkness begins to cover Animal Town, and it is the same darkness that appeared when something strange happened to Nico Garden.
The motif of "Wonderful PreCure!" is "animals," and the keyword is "Everyone's friends! Wonderful!". Set in Animal Town, a town where animals and humans live together in harmony, the story depicts the deep bonds that are woven between animals and humans, such as dogs and their owners, and cats and their owners, and the interactions that transcend species. The series, which began in 2004, is also attracting attention for featuring a "dog Precure" for the first time.
Maria Naganawa will play Cure Wonderful/ Komugi Inukai, Atsumi Tanezaki Satsumi Matsuda play Cure Friendy/ Iroha Inukai , Reina Ueda will play Cure Nyammy/ Yuki Nekoyashiki , and Reina Ueda will play Cure Lillian/ Mayu Nekoyashiki.
※Staff of Episode 47 (titles omitted)
Screenplay: Akao Deko▽Direction: Hiroshima Hideki▽Storyboard: Ita Shinji▽Chief animation directors: Han Sung Hee, Yamamoto Keiko, Takeuchi Kei, Ishii Mai, Noel Anno Nuevo▽Art: Suzuki Shota