The main cast of the anime "Takopi's Original Sin" based on the popular manga by Taizan5, serialized in Shueisha's manga app "Shonen Jump +", has been announced, with Kurumi Mamiya playing Tacopi and Reina Ueda playing Shizuka Kuze. Mamiya and Ueda have both played the same roles in the original PV and voice comic, and will be continuing to play them. It was also announced that the anime will be released in 2025.
The announcement was made at the "Jump Festa 2025" event being held at Makuhari Messe (Mihama-ku, Chiba City). The anime will be directed by Iino Shinya, known for "Dr. Stone" and other works, who will also be in charge of series composition. Character design will be handled by Nagahara Keita, who directed "Massara" and was responsible for the direction and prop settings of "Suzume." The anime will be produced by ENISHIYA, known for "Massara" and "Raison d'être." A promotional video showing Tacopee rushing around for Shizuka has been released on YouTube.
Mamiya, who plays Tacopee, a Happy Alien who comes to Earth to spread happiness, commented, "I first came across ' Takopi's Original Sin' when I was working on a voice comic. It was full of shocking developments... I wanted to read more, but at the same time, I was filled with anxiety and anticipation. Now that it's being made into an anime, I'm constantly thinking, 'I can't believe it!'... I can't believe I'll be playing Tacopee again... I will do my best to recreate the words, choices, and feelings that Tacopee made at that time. I hope that fans of the original manga and those watching the anime will watch it through to the end. It's a work that I hope you will see, feel, and talk about with your friends. Thank you very much!"
Ueda, who plays Shizuka, a human girl that Tacopi meets, said, "Just seeing the key visual brought back all sorts of memories of when I read the original work, and I couldn't help but tremble at the thought that this work is really going to be made into an anime...I will do my best to face Shizuka properly without being too carried away by the overly cute Tacopi. I hope that you will enjoy ' Takopi's Original Sin' in the anime as well...!"
Original author Taizan5 commented, "Takopi's Original Sin Sin is going to be made into an anime...! I'd like to thank everyone who was involved during the serialization, everyone involved in the anime production, and all the readers. I would be thrilled if you would watch the anime. As a viewer, I'm really looking forward to it...! Thank you very much!"
"Takopi's Original Sin" is Taizan5's debut serial. It was serialized in "Shonen Jump +" from December 2021 to March 2022, and despite being a short serialization, it gained popularity, recording the highest number of views among works serialized at the same time. The story is about Tacopi, a Happy Alien who comes to Earth and meets Shizuka, a girl who never smiles, and uses his Happy Gadgets, which have mysterious powers, to bring back Shizuka's smile. It depicts the cruel reality of elementary school students, such as bullying and problems with their parents, and became a hot topic, being selected as the third place in the "This Kono Manga ga Sugoi! 2023" Men's Edition. Although the comic is only two volumes in total, it is a shocking work that has sold over 1.4 million copies in total.