Oda Takazuki, the adopted daughter of the late Takakura Ken, will appear on Kuroyanagi Tetsuko's long-running talk show "Tetsuko's Room" (TV Asahi) on December 23rd at 1pm. It has been 10 years since Takakura passed away. Oda, the adopted daughter who supported Takakura for 17 years and is the representative of Takakura Promotions, will be welcoming the couple to look back on the days of the national superstar.
Takakura, who loved dogs, said that he would never own a dog in his life after his dog died in a fire at his house. However, Oda, who saw him always looking at dog encyclopedias, bought him a dog figurine. Takakura liked it and loved it as a companion in his home. Those "dogs" will also appear in this episode.
Takakura was careful about what he ate, so as not to affect the filming, so Oda would come up with various creative ways to serve him meat, which he liked. While introducing photos from that time, Oda talks about Takakura's down-to-earth personality.