It has been announced that "Thunderbolt Fantasy: Touken Ranbu Final Chapter," the final installment of the puppet show "Thunderbolt Fantasy Project," which was conceived, scripted, and supervised by Gen Urobuchi of Nitroplus, known for anime such as "Puella Magi Madoka Magica Madoka Magica" and "Fate/Zero," will be screened in theaters from February 21, 2025.
"Thunderbolt Fantasy" is a joint Japanese-Taiwanese project produced after Urobuchi fell in love with the visuals of glove puppetry, a popular form of puppetry in Taiwan.
The first season of the TV series aired from July to September 2016, the second season from October to December 2018, and the third season from April to June 2021. The fourth season began airing in October, with the final episode broadcast on December 21st on TOKYO MX.