The eighth episode of the drama series "Light of My Lion" (TBS, Friday 10pm) starring actor Yuya Yagira was broadcast on November 29th. Manami, played by Machiko Ono, reunited with her son Shuuto (Sato Ozora), also known as "Lion", and became a hot topic on social media.
◇Spoilers below On the day of her release, Manami, with the help of Yuzurugi (Okayama Amane), headed to Sado Island where Shuuto, Kouto (Yagira), and Mijito (Bando Ryuta) were waiting for her. She finally reunited with Shuuto. Shuuto reported, "Mom, you know, I went on a trip with Kouto and Mikkun, we went on a boat, we drew pictures, had a barbecue, ate a big piece of meat, and played a lot in the garden." While nodding along to what he was saying, Manami had tears in her eyes. Manami looked at Shuuto as he happily said, "So, so, I'm six years old now!" With tears in her eyes, she smiled sweetly and said, "You cut your hair, it looks so cool!" On social media, there were voices of praise such as, "Ono Machiko is a good actor, isn't she...?", "Ono Machiko's expression when she was reunited with the lion was great", "I was blown away by Ono Machiko's tears in the reunion scene with a huge smile", "Ono Machiko's crying acting was amazing", "Ono Machiko's acting is great after all. The reunion scene with the lion was really moving", and "Ono Machiko's acting brought me to tears."