"Anime 1 Week" is a weekly news site that brings you the latest anime news. From November 24th to 30th, news such as the start of serialization of "Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Eternal Wind" and the announcement of the title of the 22nd installment of the "Pretty Cure" series were the hot topics. On the 24th, it was announced that the "Fate Project New Year's Eve TV Special", a special program based on the popular "Fate" series, which has been adapted into games and anime, will be broadcast on TOKYO MX, BS11, and other stations from 9:30 pm on December 31st. The first episode of the TV anime "Fate/strange Fake", "The Heroic Spirit Incident", will be broadcast in advance, and the TV special "Whispers of Dawn" (episode 0) will also be rebroadcast. The preview PV for the first episode was also released on YouTube. On the 25th, it was announced that Megumi Hatanaka's popular novel "Shabake" series will be made into a TV anime and broadcast in 2025. A special anime version of the work was distributed in 2021 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the series, but this time it will be made into a TV anime. The anime will be produced by BN Pictures, which also produced the "Aikatsu!" series and the "Gintama" series. It was also announced that voice actor Yamashita Daiki will play the main character, Ichitaro. On the 25th, it was revealed that Atsuya Higashikawa's popular mystery novel "Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de" (Shogakukan), which has also been adapted into a live-action film and a stage play, will be made into a TV anime in 2025. It was also announced that manga artist Tachibana Oreko, known for manga such as "Promise Cinderella" and "Hotaru no Yomeiri", will be in charge of the original character designs for the anime. The manga "Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Eternal Wind", a manga for the theatrical anime "Mobile Suit Gundam F91", began serialization in the January 2025 issue of the manga magazine "Monthly Gundam Ace" (KADOKAWA), released on the 26th. The manga is by Junji Ohno, who also produced "Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Prequel", and depicts the "main story of F91" based on the novel and anime main story by director Tomino Yoshiyuki. On the 27th, it was announced that the popular novel "The White Mage Who Was Expelled from the Hero's Party is Picked Up by an S-Rank Adventurer ~This White Mage is Too Out of the Ordinary~" from the novel submission site "Let's Become a Novelist" will be made into an anime in 2025. On the 28th, it was announced that the manga "Alien Moomoo" by Miyashita Yuki, which is currently being serialized in "Young King Ours" (Shonen Gahosha), will be made into a TV anime in 2025. It was also announced that newcomer Harumi Momono will play the main character Sakurako, and that Kozakura Etsuko will appear as her partner, the alien Moomoo. On the 29th, it was announced that a sequel to the stop-motion animation "PUI PUI Molcar," featuring the wool felt characters Molcar, will be made into a movie. The completely new feature-length anime "PUI PUI Molcar The Movie MOLMAX" was released on the same day, and the production of the sequel was announced. On the 29th, it was announced that "The Gluttonous Lady and the Mad-Blooded Duke: I'll Enjoy That Monster!", currently being serialized on Kodansha's manga app "Palcy" and web service "pixiv Comic", will be adapted into a TV anime and will be broadcast on TBS and BS11 from April 2025. It was also announced that Nakamura Kanna will play the role of "The Gluttonous Lady" Melfiella Marshallraid and Saka Taito will play the role of "The Mad-Blooded Duke" Aristide Roger de Galbraith in the comic adaptation of the light novel by Hoshi Kanata, published by Kodansha K Ranobe Books (Kodansha). On the 29th, it was revealed that the title of the 22nd installment of the popular anime "Pretty Cure" series will be "You and Idol Pretty Cure♪". The logo was also released. On the 30th, three poster visuals and a trailer for the "Space Battleship Yamato 50th Anniversary Broadcast Selection Screening," a selection screening to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the popular anime series, were released. Director Anno Hideaki, who said, "I don't think I would have the life I have today if I hadn't encountered Space Battleship Yamato," planned and produced the project, which will screen episodes selected by director Anno.