It has been announced that a completely new animated film, "Expelled from Paradise: Resonance of the Heart," a sequel to the animated film "Expelled from Paradise" released in November 2014, will be released in 2026. The staff, including director Seiji Mizushima, screenwriter Gen Urobuchi, character designer Masatsugu Saito, and music composer NARASAKI, will be reuniting. The key visual and teaser trailer have also been released.
"Expelled from Paradise" is an original anime set in a world where most of humanity lives in the cyber world of Diva, depicting investigator Angela investigating the purpose of a mysterious hacking incident. To commemorate the 10th anniversary of its release, a revival screening is being held for two weeks only from November 15th.
◇Staff (titles omitted)
Director: Seiji Mizushima▽Screenplay: Gen Urobuchi (Nitroplus)▽Character design: Masatsugu Saito▽Music: NARASAKI