Commentary:Morning drama "Tiger with Wings": The "lovable men" who supported Torako

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The final week of the NHK morning drama "Wings of the Tiger" starring Ito Sari is now in its final week. Torako, who is active in the legal profession, and the unique characters surrounding her have given the story a colorful coloring. Among these charming characters, let's introduce the "lovable men" who supported Torako.

◇The men who loved Torako

Torako's first husband, Yuzo (Nakano Taiga), was a young man who was aiming to become a lawyer while staying at Torako's family home, the Inotsume family. He was a kind and earnest young man, but he would get diarrhea when he was nervous and had a hard time passing the exam. He lost his parents at an early age and was all alone in the world, but he eventually married Torako, who became a lawyer. The couple had a daughter, Yumi, but he received a conscription notice and was sent to the battlefield. Before leaving for the front, Yuzo smiles and says, "My hope is that Tora-chan will live life to the fullest without any regrets." Later, it is revealed that Yuzo died of an illness during the war, but he continues to be a source of emotional support to Torako even after his death.

 Torako's second husband, Koichi (Masaki Okada), is the son of the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Tomohiko Hoshi (Mitsuru Hirata), and he meets Torako when he is revising one of Tomohiko's books. At first, he only says "I see," and it's hard to tell what he's thinking, but when they meet again in Niigata, where Torako is posted, they quickly become close. Eventually, the two develop a "love that doesn't promise eternity" and become "something like a married couple." He was always a calm, collected, and elusive character, but he gradually changes as he spends time with Torako. Scenes in which she shows more and more emotion include collapsing to the tatami mat after meeting her daughter Nodoka's (Osaki Maka) fiance, getting a nosebleed and fainting after expressing her opinion head-on to Katsuraba (Matsuyama Kenichi) and getting so excited that she faints.

◇The men who led Torako to the legal profession

The person who led the teenage Torako to the path of law was Hodaka (Kobayashi Kaoru), a legal scholar who would eventually become a Supreme Court justice. He was Torako's "lifelong mentor," but at the same time, his moderate spirit was someone who angered Torako many times. When Hodaka told pregnant Torako that after marriage, giving birth and raising a child were his top priority and that Torako's sacrifice would never be in vain, a rift appeared in their relationship. The two had been feuding for a long time, but eventually they confessed their feelings to each other and reconciled. Hodaka left Torako a message saying, "You too will become old one day. Always keep questioning yourself, stay ahead of the times, and become a fine waste product," before passing away.

Katsuraba, who became the fifth Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, has been watching Torako's growth along with Hodaka. He values the independence of the judiciary and is a formidable senior in the "world of law" to Torako, but he also has a big sweet tooth. The scene of a grumpy-looking Katsuraba eating sweet bean paste dumplings with gusto has become a regular scene in the drama, and at a drinking party in memory of Hodaka, he surprised viewers with his sudden "eccentricities," such as biting into a plate and getting his mouth covered in blood. After becoming Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, he showed a side of himself that he had never shown before, such as "demoting" a young judge who had been holding a study session diligently. There was no scene of him eating sweet bean paste dumplings, and viewers expressed concern, saying, "There aren't enough sweet bean paste dumplings."

◇Legal seniors who support Torako And more...

Takigawa (Kenichi Takito) was Torako's superior and co-founded the Family Court. He created the basic principles and is called the "father of the Family Court." He's quite an eccentric character, but his passion for the Family Court is unmatched. Takigawa first appeared in a scene where he was doing a waterfall asceticism, and continued to show his eccentricity by doing a water asceticism in a loincloth for good luck. After that, Takigawa, who was recovering from cancer, passed away leaving behind a letter of opinion against the revision of the Juvenile Law. He appeared as a ghost in front of Katsuraba, who had the letter in his hand, and criticized him, saying, "The independence of the judiciary that you are promoting is very sad and pathetic," leaving a strong impression on viewers even after his death.

After the war, it was Hisato (Ikki Sawamura) who recognized Torako's abilities, who was aiming to become a judge, and helped her get hired. After leading the revision of the Civil Code as Torako's boss, he became Chief of the Supreme Court Secretariat and Director of the Legal Training and Research Institute, and then Chief of the Tokyo Family Court. Kudo is a quirky character who gives nicknames to everyone and treats Torako friendly, calling himself "Ryan" and calling Torako "Sadie." He is also knowledgeable about overseas affairs and behaves smartly. He is always smiling and has comical exchanges with Torako and the others.

In addition, Takenaka (Takahashi Tsutomu), who ended his long career as a reporter with the "Atomic Bomb Trial," and Sasayama (Tanaka Yoji), a sushi chef who is an "observer maniac" and a staunch "Tora-chan supporter," will also be unforgettable characters for viewers.

These men have been watching Torako, who struggles in the legal profession, with kindness and sometimes sternness. The story of Torako, who has grown thanks to their support, is finally reaching its final spurt. What kind of ending awaits? I want to see it through to the end.

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