A Pharmacist's Monologue:The third installment of the anime "The Apothecary's Diary" project "The Four Seasons with Nekoneko and Jinshi" - Early autumn pampas grass - Jinshi snacks on it - Gao Shun smiles

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The third installment of the "NekoNeko, Jinshi and the Four Seasons" project has been released in preparation for the second season of the TV anime "The Apothecary Diaries," based on the light novel by Hinata Natsu, which was born from the novel submission site "Let's Become a Novelist." The project releases new visuals themed on seasonal plants on the 22nd of each month, and the theme of the third installment is "early autumn silver grass." On a cool autumn night with silver grass swaying, Jinshi is seen snacking on mooncakes while smiling at Gao Shun, and Gao Shun is smiling as he accompanies Jinshi.

The anime's official Twitter account is running a campaign to give away the visual card released to five people by lottery.

The light novel version of "The Apothecary Diaries" is published by Hero Bunko (Imagica Infos), and the comic adaptation is also gaining popularity. The original series has sold over 38 million copies in total. The story is set in the glamorous harem of a certain continent, where Nekoneko, a young poison taster, becomes embroiled in incidents that take place in the harem, which is full of conspiracies and rumors, together with the handsome eunuch Jinshi. The first season of the TV anime aired on Nippon TV from October 2023 to March 2024. It has also been announced that the second season will be produced and air in 2025.

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