The eighth episode of the Monday 9pm drama " 119 Emergency Call " (Fuji TV, Monday 9pm) starring actress Nana Seino was broadcast on March 10th. The "legendary command and control officer" Dojima, played by Koichi Sato, became a hot topic on social media.
◇The following contains spoilers
The command and control staff are confused when they suddenly hear that Dojima will be retiring this month and that today will be his last day on the job because he has used up his paid leave. Yogo (Ichinose Hayate) tells everyone that Dojima had said he had pharyngeal cancer.
Meanwhile, the command system from the command center to each fire station went down, and they had to go into emergency mode. The phone lines and radio were working fine, so they responded using whiteboards, atlases, and notes. Commands were given over radio.
"Dojima-san, please." Dojima, who was nominated by Takachiho (Yuri Nakamura), calmly and smoothly gave orders to the fire brigade by voice.
After that, the command system was restored. Until now, the Command Section had called Dojima "Legend" by putting 100 yen into the piggy bank. After the treatment, Kasuhara (Kiyono) and the others gathered around Dojima and put 100 yen coins into the piggy bank one by one, expressing their gratitude by saying, "This is our thanks for letting us see the Legend's skills up close." Takachiho also said, "When you're done with the treatment, please come back. We'll be waiting."
After receiving everyone's thoughts, Dojima was shown saying with an embarrassed look on his face, "This is heavy. I didn't expect to save up this much."
On social media, people posted comments such as, "Legend was amazing," "He's a legend! I was really moved," "Dojima-san is just too cool!", "I was seriously blown away. Dojima-san's instructions were so cool," "Today's episode made me cry. Dojima-san is amazing... This is a really good drama, the 9pm Monday night drama this season," "Dojima-san is so cool! I hope he doesn't quit the control room," and "I got goosebumps when his final voiced orders rang out as the system went down."