It was revealed on the 4th that the variety show "Sekaicho Gourmet" (Nippon TV, Wednesdays at 10pm), hosted by the comedy duo "Haraichi" and Sato Shiori, will end at the end of March. The announcement was made at a briefing on the April rescheduling held by the station in Shiodome, Tokyo on the same day.
"World Top Gourmet" is a program that unearths amazing "local food" that is loved all over the world, and regular broadcasts began in April 2024. Before the regular broadcasts began, it was a popular special program titled "World Undiscovered Gourmet."
Starting in April, the Wednesday 10pm drama slot will be revived for the first time since "Nursing Aide At Your Side" in January 2012. The new Wednesday drama "Love is Darkness" starring Jun Shison and Yukino Kishii will start on April 16th.